By checking this agreement box, I acknowledge that I am authorized to execute this return request on behalf of the company I have identified herein, and acknowledge that this return request is binding on the company.
Policy Effective: January 1, 2022.
- All returns to HBI Innovations must be pre-authorized.
If you wish to return merchandise, please contact your sales representative to obtain a return authorization number prior to shipping your merchandise. Returns without authorization numbers are not eligible for a refund, credit, or exchange.
- Merchantable Returns
Items in merchantable condition may be returned to HBI Innovations within 4 months of the original invoice date. Merchantable condition will be determined by the distributors ability to return the item to inventory for resale without special preparation, testing, handling, or expense.
- Defective/Damaged Returns
Items that are damaged or defective may be returned to HBI Innovations within 14 calendar days of the original invoice.
- Product Warranty
Defective merchandise covered by a manufacturer’s warranty may be eligible for an equal exchange during the warranty period if the defect is determined to be caused by a manufacturing error, design flaw or component failure. Refer to the warranty card and/or users-manual for detailed information on warranty coverage and duration.
- Unauthorized or Unmerchantable Returns
Customers will not be eligible to receive a credit for returns received without prior authorization or containing items not eligible for return in accordance with this policy.
- Credits and Refunds
Credit for authorized returns will be issued upon receipt of product and verification of return eligibility. Valid returned items credits will be issued at the invoice purchase price.
- Credits will not be issued for the following:
- Shipping Charge
- Shipping Insurance
- Additional items not included on the return authorization
- Opened and/or used items
- Items altered from the original condition (price tag stickers, writing, etc.)
- Quantity Discounts
HBI Innovations reserves the right to revoke quantity discounts if the quantity of items returned brings the quantity of purchased items under the discount threshold. This may result in additional charges for the purchased items.
- Billing Disputes
Disputes regarding the accuracy of invoices must be made within 30 calendar days of receipt of an invoice. Invoice corrections will be made upon verification of validity of the dispute. Billing dispute categories are as follows:
- Duplicate Charges
Multiple charge occurring for the same product.
- Product Shortages
Product was invoiced, but not received.
- Product Differences
Product received differs from product invoiced.
- Pricing Discrepancies
Price on the invoice differs from the agreed upon price.